Friday, September 19, 2008

Where did summer go?

Summer 2008 went by too fast! The red wrist cast put a crimp in our adventures and boy, did we celebrate when Dad ripped the stinky thing off! We really enjoy finding scenic photo shots during our family ATV rides such as this one of the kids in the High Uintahs. Mom and Dad also took a business trip to the UK: this shot from atop the London Eye overlooking the River Thames and Houses of Parliament.


Amberly said...

Hey guys! I love the blog and I hope to see more posts soon!

pafusion said...

It works. Do you want to post a picture of Daniel? I'll email it.

nhsphoto said...

yay shan! i wondered when you would start a blog. cute photos. daniel doesn't look very happy. good to visit with you guys yesterday!