Saturday, August 1, 2009

Is It August Already?

Why is it that summer used to last three months and now it seems to zoom by in minutes? We went school shopping yesterday and I wonder where our summer went! In a few weeks we will celebrate two birthdays and the kids (and I) will be back to school. Not stealing the thunder of my annual Christmas newsletter, I hereby post a few summer highlights so my sister-in-laws will stop nagging me to keep this blog current . . . for another 4 months. On our summer vacation we went camping, dual sport-ing, working, swimming, ATV-ing, Nibley royalty-ing, scout/girls camping, jeeping, and yard working.


Amberly said...

Yeah! I'm so glad that I can guilt you into posting! ;) Your girls look so grown up in that picture. When is the next campout? We miss you guys already.

nhsphoto said...

thanks shan! i love the group pic from the campout!